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Dev411 Blog

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Dojo - Remote Script Problem


  • At 6/05/2006 08:06:00 PM, Blogger John Wang said…

    Thanks for the link. I'll check it out soon. It's nice to know even with its more complex architecture, it can still support things like cross-domain library loading.

    Regarding the custom build, my understanding is that Java and Ant are required. I don't have this environment so I'll have to schedule some time. Custom Dojo builds seem to come up a lot and I've been thinking that Dojo would get many more users if either of the following were available:

    1) lighter-weight build system that doesn't require Java / Ant
    2) a website that builds a custom dojo.js based on options selected via a form

    Have there been any thoughts in these directions?


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